Friday, November 21, 2008

In the beginning

In the beginning Baby Ava wanted to show Becky and Chris who was running the show. She started off with a giant temper tantrum to scare all the neighbors for miles, but luckily Mimi was there to save the day. Sprout soon learned how to get her way around the house and that she did, all the time. Everyone thought Sprout was the most beautiful baby they had ever seen and those words made a little halo appear over her little head. Then she would suddenly make the most odorous noise creating a gas chamber for anyone standing too close! Baby A was definitely not as lady like as she looked. This tiny girl could create a mess so big you would wonder how it all fit inside her!

As for her eating habits, the girl can put down some milk! She was eating every 2 hours on the dot and consumed enough in a day to feed a miniature horse (or so it seemed for Becky). Although Becky was blessed to have the opportunity to stay home with Sprout for 3 whole months, now it was Chris's turn. Daddy Day Care was about to commence! Little did Baby A know her dad was going to put her to work. They started training early and often! Then one day Becky arrived home and Ava Claire was showing off her new moves on the floor mat. Chris had taught her how to do push-ups! As Baby A lifted her wobbly head off the floor she looked around and smiled at her accomplishment. She couldn't have had prouder parents at that moment.