Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The stockings were hung

Twas the night before Christmas when Chris, Becky and Baby A drove all the way to Panhandle. They hurried as fast as they could to beat Santa and luckily he was running late because they arrived just in time to put on their Christmas jammers and snuggle into bed. As sugar plums danced in their heads Santa dropped off all the presents. Now Sprout being so excited about Christmas couldn't let Becky and Chris sleep in. Oh no, 6 am was time for her to wake and get into her gifts! As Grandma helped her rip open her presents one by one she was inordinately amused with all the wrapping and ribbon! It must have been wonderful or she must have been hungry because Sprout tasted it all! As the family gathered around the table for Christmas dinner they all said a prayer and blessed the day they had been given.

The days flew by with plenty of La Fiesta and Villa! Ava enjoyed her time with Murr and Dandy so much she just couldn't help but giggle. She was all smiles and laughs with all her new toys and her gift wrap. Becky and Chris just grinned as they listened to her snicker and Grandma exclaimed, "What a beautiful noise!"

Now it was off to Brownwood for more Christmas cheer! Sprout was excited for her Mimi and more presents to eat! Ava now has enough toys for 2 years and more clothes then Chris! For her 1st Christmas Baby A also received an unexpected gift. Her first tooth! So for plenty of good luck Becky served Sprout up some black eyed peas. She was weary at first taste but then was eager for more!

With Ava eating real food and having plenty of new toys she was ready to move forward! She decided to go house hunting for a new home in Brownwood. Of course Becky and Chris followed behind but there has been no one to catch the eye. Sprout promises to keep looking because soon she will be ready to crawl out of Dallas!


Chris and Hayden said...

Sprouty! You are getting so big! I can't wait to see you in person again! How the heck did you get those blue eyes!?