Friday, April 10, 2009

Pretty in Pink

The family once lived in a tiny Dallas apartment so when they moved to Brownwood and into their new home all the space was marvelous! Everyone is so very happy with their own rooms and plenty of space to play. Ava has her very own room with hot pink walls and all her own closet space with all her own toys. Everyone has worked very hard painting, unpacking, digging holes in the yard for a sprinkler system, and putting up new cabinets in the laundry room. There have been more projects then time off since the family moved, but the reward with every finished piece is so great it keeps them trucking.

Becky worked on an art project for Ava's room she is pretty proud of. Not sure what to call it, it was dubbed "The Boxes" by Chris. Sprout seems to think they are cool and that's all that really matters so the project was a success with only one minor injury. Becky sliced her finger with an exacto knife but never fear Mimi was around the corner with some band-aids. So with the art project complete and the chair rail up Ava's room is the only one mostly complete in the entire house! One down, five more to go. As you can see Ava is all play no work so I guess its up to Chris and Becky to get it finished.

Prepare yourselves for more to come once more is done.


Chris and Hayden said...

So cute! Love Sprouts little grin and the boxes came out great! Still want to see more house pictures.... ;)