Friday, June 19, 2009

She's a Rodeo Girl

We took Ava to the Coleman Rodeo last night to see the goat scramble and bronc riding. She absolutely loved it! She was dancing and waving at all the cowboys riding through the rink but her favorite part was when the cowgirls came riding through. They wore bright pink sparkle tops, held flags and rode really fast. What a time. I told her the story of her friend April who was once a rodeo queen so now I think she is destined to follow. We all know she already has the wave down packed. I mean really who wouldn't love a face like this!


Chris and Hayden said...

I am laughing so hard I'm crying! This picture is going on my desktop!

Anonymous said...

Ava is a sweet and cute gal.
I have a T-shirt for her that I bought in D.C. last week.
Auntie LJCB