Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Time Flys and Summers Gone

So many things have happened since our last post. We went to the Gillespie Country Fair in Fredricksburg, visited Aunt Ludy in Santa Anna, helped Aunt Hayde and Uncle Chris move back to Texas and started walking! Well with her walker anyway, but that's walking!

So at the Gillespie County Fair Ava got to see roosters, pot belly pigs, sheep, goats, baby cows, and the biggest bull ever! She loved the animals but the merry-go-round was her favorite part so she rode it 3 times. There were also horse races which would have been more fun but it was very hot that day so we only saw one run. They went by so fast Ava hardly saw what they were but since the fair she knows exactly what a horsey says.

Sprouty also got to visit Aunt Ludy Jane in Santa Anna where she met her pet goat, Martha. Did we mention she loves animals?! Aunt Hayden of course brought Lucy and Moto the cats so Ava had a ball chasing them around the new house in Roundrock. Lucy actually gave in at one point and let Ava pet her! The cats weren't the only interesting thing in the house. Sprouty loves her little cousin Jack! She was very sweet and wanted to share her book with him. She also tried sharing her juice, her pacifier, toys and anything she could find on the floor. You can see she is Jackson's favorite cousin.

Then there was this walking business! One day she just up and took off! You can see in her video she is already moving at the speed of turtle so we all know what's next. RABBIT! Good thing Chris and I need some exercise because were going to be running for the next few years.


Hayden said...

LOL! I love the noodle ON the head!